One of the most famous experts in the real estate industry is Mike Sherrard. He is a real estate entrepreneur and a social media coach, content creator, marketing branding, and video content repurposing agent. Mr. Sherrard has worked with many entrepreneurs in different industries, which have proved to help them grow their businesses.
On social media, Mike has recently ranked as the #1 Realtor in Calgary and Alberta. At the company, his eXp Realty group, the Wolf Pack, is now one of the fastest-growing groups. Mike used to coach real estate businesses from the very beginning of his career as he has had over 3,000 agents complete his social media training. He has the ability to keep it simple, authentic by the praise he gets on his YouTube channel for being honest with his client or the audience.
Mike says that it is really very important to stay updated in order to keep your client updated. It’s a core step if you want to gain clients’ trust and maintain a good bond with them. A good real estate agent should be aware of everything happening in the market. He believes that this tip is essential to maintain a brand image that can increase engagement.
Mike’s most important advice to any real estate business or agent is to identify their niche. He says, “You have to keep trying everything until you find what works for you the best.” He thinks that most businesses don’t run because they focus on many things at one time before getting perfect on one skill. One has to identify their brand and stay updated about the changes in the market; they also have to look at what are the things that a client wants. No matter what happens, one has to try every strategy and find which one is the best for them. There will be a lot of demotivation, but one has to be consistent. Consistency is the key to achieving everything. One has to be consistent with their networking and lead generations to grow. We should take small steps, and our small achievements will lead to big ones.
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