Home » Bezlikiy Takes Professional Gaming To Greater Heights

Bezlikiy Takes Professional Gaming To Greater Heights

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Professional gaming appears to be placing itself at the top of popularity lists as esports continues to thrive globally. However, esports professionals have not been given the proper avenue to introduce themselves to the world. With that comes an ingenious idea from an esports enthusiast. Players worldwide have been ecstatic, awaiting the first-ever esports reality show initiated by Russian blogger Bezlikiy.

Known for his lavish lifestyle, as seen on his Instagram, the blogger also has an eye for esports. This paved the way for him to discover the world of professional gamers. Not only will this allow professional gaming to be seen from a different angle, Bezlikiy is set to transform the gaming industry for the better. With his innovative mindset put to the task, it is no doubt that professional gaming will continue to increase in popularity.

What it Means to Be a Professional Gamer

Constantly causing uproar in multiple fields, professional gaming has begun to intrigue the masses and has caused multiple trends on the internet. The general public has numerous mental images when it comes to professional gaming. However, what does it exactly mean to be a professional gamer?

It takes hours of practice.

One might think that all professional gamers do is play games all day, every day. That is true to some extent. Still, there is much work and effort put into esports for a player to be consider an actual professional gamer. Anyone can play games and become a gamer, but not everyone can be a professional gamer. Like any other sport, they compete in professional leagues. This means constant training and pressure to perform beyond the average player. Add the pressure of the whole world watching, and it’s safe to say that it’s no easy feat.

Dealing with pressure

Like most people, professional gamers also have to carry the burden of having to succeed, especially since it is common that most gamers do not pursue further education. This can be a tough concept for parents to deal with since the demographic of professional gamers range from teens to young adults. Of course, some gamers have it easy with ever-supporting families behind them, while others fend for themselves and have a hard time supporting their endeavors in the gaming world.

Constantly proving misconceptions wrong.

Professional gamers deal with one of the worst misconceptions there is. “It’s not a real job.” Many people tend to associate gamers with being childish, and they constantly have to deal with being told to “grow up.” Nonetheless, most people don’t know that it takes real effort, commitment, and determination to make it in the world of gaming, and it is like any other sport. That alone deserves proper recognition.

Belizkiy’s idea of starting the first reality show with esports players as the cast is certainly a great way for. The audience to have an in-depth view of the lives of these individuals. With their AFK (away from keyboard) lives broadcast for the whole world to see. The general public will finally have an idea of what it means to be a professional gamer. This will certainly take professional gaming to new heights.

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