Home » Douglas James- The Digital Marketing Expert Who Has Transformed the Lives of Countless Entrepreneurs
Douglas James

Douglas James- The Digital Marketing Expert Who Has Transformed the Lives of Countless Entrepreneurs

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If you do not already know who Douglas James is, he is a globally acclaimed Digital Marketing Expert and successful Entrepreneur. His goal in life is to help newcomers and budding entrepreneurs scale higher in the industry by targeting, bagging, and retaining the right customers.

Growing up, he never thought he would be one of the successful entrepreneurs. As a coach, he has trained over 2000 entrepreneurs on how they can improve their sales through different marketing strategies and turn their business into a successful one. He aims to help all those promising entrepreneurs on how they can successfully acquire, close, and retain clients and live the life they always wanted. This is one of the reasons why people often call Douglas “The high-ticket client guy.”

He has witnessed countless fellow entrepreneurs create brilliant ideas which would have succeeded in better implementation. And He is renowned for his extreme will to guide and coach young and aspiring entrepreneurs. He also taught them about turbocharge.

As per Douglas, a business’s success primarily depends on customers and clients. As long as you are offering quality customer service, you will stand out from the rest of your competitors. Customer Treatment and feedback are essential for business growth and garnering a professional reputation. This is why customer testimonials and feedback are an essential part of the website. Douglas has practiced what he preaches and has thus secured his position as a good entrepreneur.

Douglas strives to keep himself physically fit. He goes to the gym daily and even has a stand-up desk in his office space. And He obviously has a sitting desk too. He equally splits time on them for health purposes. When asked about his passion for fitness, Douglas replied. Do you ever notice when you go to the gym or if you go for a run or anything. Your creative juices just start flowing, right?” Physical and mental fitness and active ness are very important to him.

He is a firm supporter of YouTube Advertising and considers it to be the way to the future. Earlier, Douglas James primarily practiced Facebook mar keting, but soon he realized that YouTube marketing is more bene ficial than any other one. This is because people tend not to notice or consider Facebook Advertisements seriously. While on YouTube, people delibe rately watch videos for problem-solving, and if you can manage to convey your message through your video, they can turn out to be potential customers.

To know more about Douglas James and his journey, follow him on his social media handles below:

Instagram: @the_douglasjames

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