Home » Francine Gillian Garcia, professional hairstylist and hair care expert introduces the New Ju Poppin Collection:
Ju Poppin

Francine Gillian Garcia, professional hairstylist and hair care expert introduces the New Ju Poppin Collection:

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Francine Gillian Garcia was born and raised in Trinidad and Tobago, a country in the Caribbean.  She attended vessigny government secondary in Trinidad and did her GED (i.e., General Equivalency Diploma) from Brooklyn College continuing educational classes. She is a professional hairstylist, educator, content creator, philanthropist, and serial entrepreneur.

Francine Gillian Garcia’s hair education started with Hairanns hair school in San Fernando, Trinidad, and continued with Matrix, Patric Bradley, Loreal, Najah. In addition, she attended her mastermind classes with Natalie Wedwell, Marissa Peer, and Grant Cardone.

For the lockdown, since people could not visit her salon themselves, Gillian Garcia Launched her new Ju Poppin Collection, which offers salon-like services to avail right at home. One of the best-selling products of JU POPPINS is Growth Oil which is also known as liquid gold. This product helps regrow hair and hairlines. It also thickens thinning hair and maintains the health of the hair. POPPIN Vit E Oil is the next top-selling product that moisturizes the hair, adds shine, and helps detangle it.

Gillian Garcia loves doing hair and making women feel special. Being a philanthropist, she wants to make one happy, and she puts others’ feelings and happiness before her own. She believes in God and gospel music. She loves and protects her kids and grandkids with her all—her words of wisdom touch other souls. Giving back love is extremely important to her.

Francine felt a void in her life when her grandmother died, and she was shatter at that period of time. She never imagined being a hairstylist. But after she was thrown into doing hair, Francine found something which she love eventually, and now it’s her passion. She says this career chose her. She believes that it’s a gift from God and she feels blessed. God has a better plan for everyone; one has to trust the process. She came to this country in 1993 with 50 dollars and a dream to be successful. One has to face challenges and overcome them to reach their goal. No matter what situation we are facing, we shouldn’t quit until we achieve our goal. Through highs and lows, she has created a big name for herself and her company.

She absolutely loves her job; the customers come back and trust her skills. For all her efforts, Francine got feature in Essence and Oprah magazine. Francine wishes to spread smiles, encourages to look good and feel good, and she wants to focus on her love for doing hair and helping one to grow healthier hair.

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