Home » How 99 Rus is using his Music to Spread Positive Vibes
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How 99 Rus is using his Music to Spread Positive Vibes

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In a world where everything is unpredictable, it’s tricky to tell what to expect, and not all things go as you planned. We face challenges and various struggles that sometimes are almost unbearable. When all hope seems lost, many of us turn to music to draw inspiration and motivation. This was the case for top singer/songwriter. He turned to music for strength and comfort years ago and marked the start of his journey. Today he is using his talent to spread positive vibes all around the world.

Michael David, popularly known by his stage name 99 Rus, is a singer and songwriter known for his songs “Rock With You,” “Take it,” and “Be strong.” Born and raised in Chicago, 99 Rus describes his childhood as both happy and sad.  His family has been in the music industry for years, with his mum being a lead singer in one of the classic bands in the area.

Growing up, 99 Rus spent most of his time watching his mum and the other band members practice and sing at concerts. He was privilege to tag along to some of the concerts, which exposed him to the world of music at a young age. The more he listened and watched musicians work, the more 99 Rus developed a passion for singing. In time, he started creating his own music.

However, according to 99 Rus, at the time, music was more of a hobby, and it wasn’t something he had consider as a professional career. Let alone his lifelong dream. As 99 Rus grew older. Some of his friends took a different path and ended up deep in the street life. Reality hit close to home when two of his friends were shot, and 99 Rus decide to use his music to spread positivity and fight against injustices.

He says it was more of a distraction at the time as he was trying to keep himself away from that life and help his friends too. With some of his peers, 99 Rus started creating some freestyle music to spread love. Doing so, he also fell more in love with music, and his talent. In freestyling gave him his nickname of 99 Rus.

Music is more than just sound, and every word carries a meaning. Society mostly leans towards ‘every man for himself, and, at times. People find it difficult to ask for help, says 99 Rus. Many carry their burdens alone and have no way of releasing their sadness.  In creating his music, 99 Rus says his goal is to spread love, kindness. And be a source of motivation to anyone going through a challenging time. Just like music was there for him during some of his lowest moments. 99 Rus also wants to be there for everyone by composing timeless and impactful songs that inspire.

Naturally, his passion for music is reflected in the works he creates. As he continues to thrive. He aspires to help more people through his music. And show upcoming music artists that it’s possible to achieve their dreams. Setbacks can make you feel discouraged but by believing in yourself. And putting in the work, nothing is impossible, also says 99 Rus.

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