Home » Jessica Mack, a Successful Businesswoman Who Turned Her Hobby of Collecting Food Recipes Into a Full-Time Job of Food Blogging
Jessica Mack

Jessica Mack, a Successful Businesswoman Who Turned Her Hobby of Collecting Food Recipes Into a Full-Time Job of Food Blogging

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Famous food blogger Dr. Jessica Mack is also an Occupational Therapist, certified personal trainer, lifestyle expert, chef, and content creator.

Jessica’s blogging page “More than meatless Monday” is one of the top food blogging pages. Since childhood, she was always interested in collecting healthy and filling food without meat food recipes from magazines and books. Eventually took it as a career when she realized her potential in it.

Dr. Jessica Mack was a renowned Occupational Therapist. Her extensive and dynamic professional background, coupled with her enthusiasm for working with people with special needs, allowed Jessica to work with individuals of all ages and abilities effectively.  Due to significant illnesses which impacted her ability to participate in various roles in her life, Jessica retired at a very young age from practicing as a therapist.

She is popular in this field because she has studied food and our relationship with it as a consumer, as a clinician, as a culinary student, and as a food blogger/content creator, which makes her understand what kind of recipes people look for. Her food blogging gained success when people started her recipes. Over the years, she has gained a substantial number of followers on her Facebook and Instagram handles.

“I wish that I knew not to overthink the process and to start creating content.  I want to produce a cookbook, my own cooking show, and a line of cookware.” Says Jessica

Dr. Jessica Mack has made television appearances on the Emmy award-winning daytime show. The Dr. Oz Show and on The Katie Couric Show. She has appeared on radio shows, including Long Island’s oldest radio show, WGBB, and Sirius/XM’s The Doctors show. And She was a frequent guest on the Lifestyle Today Show. She had made several media appearances, launched a successful blog, created a successful business hosting a virtual cooking class. Thus, Jessica is a woman of many talents and has successfully turned her hobby into a renowned food blogging page that serves to educate and inform people about different recipes from the comfort of their homes.

To know more about Jessica Mack and “her food blog more than meatless Monday. You can check out her social media handle and also attend the virtual cooking classes if you are looking for versatile recipes to cook. (Link down below)

Instagram: @drjessicamack @morethanmeatlessmonday

Twitter: @morethanmeatle1

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