Home ยป Matilde G is on the rise!
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Matilde G is on the rise!

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If you are a pop music fan, you’re bound to like Matilde G. She is a singer/ songwriter from Italy currently based in Singapore. She has a great selection of pop tracks for avid pop fans and even those who don’t usually listen to the genre, including myself.

Do you like pop music and new artists? Matilde G is an artist that I would recommend for you! Her song 7Oceans has definitely caught my attention as well as many others. I’m usually not a big Pop fan myself, but even I truly enjoyed her tracks so I know fans of the genre will! I love discovering new artists and seeing their growth in music and in life overall. If you are interested, I have more to share with you about her growing career!

She has traveled worldwide and performed on the big stage in Italy, Singapore, Japan, Maldives, Malaysia, UAE, and even the USA! In 2023, she performed at the Formula1 Grand Prix and even received the MUSIVV Award in Dubai as the best singer from the Middle East. Even as an independent artist, she has achieved over 10 million streams.

Matilde has grown a large following of around 500,000 on multiple platforms and has also been featured in multiple major publications like MTV, Billboard Italia, and Radio KISS92, to name a few. She is surely an artist that I would recommend giving a chance. She may be your next favorite singer!

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