Home » Meet Matthew Thayer- Creator of “CashTrap” Strategy
Matthew Thayer

Meet Matthew Thayer- Creator of “CashTrap” Strategy

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Matthew Thayer is a Chairman100 in IM Mastery Academy and the creator of the CashTrap strategy. Matthew grew up in Minneapolis, where he excelled at football and basketball before attending University Wisconsin stout to play basketball before getting into network marketing. Lucky to be married to the love of his life Hannah, he is also gifted with a daughter named Kylie. And Matt started his career in a travel company called World Ventures but found that he wasn’t passionate about travel.

Matt was then introduce to Alex Morton of IM Mastery academy and decide to take the next step. Matt wasn’t passionate about trading at first, as he just loved the power of network marketing. Thereafter, he followed New Vasquez and learned how to trade. With years of practice and perseverance, he also became the top educator and started helping thousands of people build a trading portfolio.

IM Mastery Academy is an online educational company that claims to teach people how to trade in the foreign currencies markets. And crypto and e-commerce. Informing more about cryptocurrency and E-commerce. A cryptocurrency, or crypto is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange. Wherein individual coin ownership records are store in a ledger existing in a form of a computerize database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records. To control the creation of additional coins. And to verify the transfer of coin ownership and E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. He says “I’ve created an income of 100k a month in IM as well have built up my trading portfolio. To over 15 million over the last 2 years.”

His biggest challenge so far has been at the beginning where he wasn’t coachable and was blowing lots of accounts. It wasn’t until he had a defining moment and decided that he was going to be the very best educator in the company to not only help his family but all of the other families that were tuning into his daily sessions.

There is a lot more to know about Matthew Thayer and you surely must be interest. In understanding the CashTrap movement further. You can follow Matthew Thayer on his personal social media platforms to take a peek into his private life.

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Matthewthayer55129

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/matthewthayer/

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