Home » NYC Smile Explains What You Need To Know About Dental Bridges
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NYC Smile Explains What You Need To Know About Dental Bridges

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It may just be missing teeth for some, but that gap in the smile can significantly damage one’s self-esteem. The answer to people’s need for help with their oral issues is NYC Smile Design, a cosmetic dental practice since 1995. It is distinguished in the industry for its professional dentists’ expertise, dedication, and work ethics.

Each dentist has been trained in their specialties to provide the best service to their patients. All have positive reputations in their specific area of dentistry, whether it be cosmetics, implant dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics, or TMJ. Therefore, when it comes to the different tooth replacement options, specifically dental bridges, NYC Smile Design is qualified.

Why Consult NYC Smile Design About Dental Bridges

Aside from its tendency to damage one’s self-confidence, there are, in fact, more issues that may arise because of the absence of teeth. For instance, it may lead to bite misalignment and oral health problems. In general, those who have missing teeth may suffer from the uncomfortable feelings that come with the issue. Fortunately, NYC Smile Design’s dental bridge system is the perfect solution.

What is the purpose of getting a dental bridge?

Just as its name suggests, the device bridges the gap caused by the absence of a tooth or two or even more teeth. As a result, the patient will no longer have problems with chewing and even pronouncing words correctly. In terms of appearance, the dental bridge is guarantee to look absolutely natural, and they are manufacture to be durable.

The whole procedure of closing the gaps in the patient’s smile through implant-supported dental bridges may require a few months before becoming completely ready. During the operation, the teeth from the opposing sides where the gap is located will support the device. There will also be dental crowns, and they will be utilize to cover the surrounding teeth.

What makes it better than other tooth replacement options?

What matters the most is that it is guarantee to solve the patients’ problems with their missing teeth and improve their health and self-confidence. And What sets it apart from other tooth-replacement methods is that NYC Smile Design offers convenience and stability.

It is a very convenient option since the patient won’t have to remove the device before going to bed manually. It is also far superior to other tooth replacement options and one of the most stable and secure systems. That means that when it comes to chewing and holding conversations, dental bridges can be trust not to give out.

How can NYC Smile Design help with getting dental bridges?

Implant-supported dental bridges are certainly excellent devices for tooth replacement. Regrettably, using them may not always be the answer to everyone’s issue with the absence of their teeth. There are oral conditions that are more suitable for other tooth-replacement methods. For that reason, the patient should first book a consultation with a professional dentist, like the dentistry professionals at NYC Smile Design.

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